Questions tagged [angularjs]

AngularJS is a JavaScript framework for developing the client side of single page web applications. Use this tag for all versions of the framework.

41 questions
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Dealing with CVE-2022-2584 in Angular JS

The package angular after 1.7.0 is vulnerable to Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS). There aren't many details available around this issue. Since this version of Angular is out of support, I'm looking for the right ways to fix and test…
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JavaScript API calls in Browser security

We want to develop a JavaScript application (with Angular) which will communicate with various other systems via API calls. For example, a checkout page where all entered information should be sent to another application via API. This contains very…
0 answers

setAttributeNS XSS Vulnerability

Im fixing some security issues that AppScan found on my Angular Application, one of them is the insecure use of "setAttributeNS()" I use this method in my application to inject some namespaces in the correct htmlElemnt I have reader about the…
2 answers

Cookie-to-header token CSRF protection

I have the Angular application where CSRF protection is implemented using Cookie-to-header token. It is default AngularJS mechanism to counter CSRF, which uses cookie XSRF-TOKEN and header X-XSRF-TOKEN. Only JavaScript that runs on my domain can…
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How to evade Angular HTML sanitizer for XSS

I'm trying to evade the HTML sanitizer in a field I found more vulnerable in my application to test some XSS injection. The field that I'm trying to exploit is a dropdown with the following code. The vulnerable field is this classNameId, which…
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Application design to avoid XSS & CSRF attacks

I am learning to design a system where it can be guarded against XSS & CSRF attack. I'll quickly list down my understanding and then raise questions. It's a simple case of fraud that I am trying to avoid. Steps mentioned below are executed by…
1 answer

empty angular application has some ad links in the source code

I've started to learn angular and I've just followed some tutorials. I've created my application using the command: ng new my-first-app and then I've started it using: ng serve After my application started, I've looked in the source code and I've…
Buda Gavril
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What are the best practices to secure an Angular & Spring web project?

I'm creating WEB project in Angular4 and Spring. This is educational project for my learning. I want to encrypt some data in Angular and then store it in backend. Idea is to not have any acces to user data in backend - user will be more sure that…
Rysic Rychu
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Is inserting url parameters directly into the page safe in angular 2+?

So the other day at work I noticed this code in one of our web apps: this.activatedRoute.params.subscribe(params => { this.a = params['b']; }); and then in the HTML: {{a}} So basically if I navigate to the string "lol"…
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Secuirty related certification/training for .NET Developers

I would like to know if there are any Free certifications related to writing secure code that myself and our team of .NET/AngularJS web-developers take up, So that we can write secure code and also assure our customers that the developers of their…
1 answer

Get MAC address of client using PHP, Angular js, jQuery/JavaScript

ipAddress=$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $macAddr=false; #run the external command, break output into lines $arp=`arp -a $ipAddress`; $lines=explode("\n", $arp); #look for the output line describing our IP address foreach($lines as $line) { …
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