Questions tagged [analog-hole]

The duplication of copy-protected data by analog means.

The analog hole (aka, the analog loophole) is a crucial threat to any attempt at content and copy protection. By leveraging the analog hole, any Digital Rights Management (DRM) protection can be removed.

Even if data is kept completely secure up to the point where it appears on a screen and played on a sound device, from that point onward it can always be re-captured using a video camera or microphone.

It is a perceived fundamental and inevitable vulnerability in copy protection schemes and security protection.

4 questions
28 answers

Discouraging users from copying images off a website?

Let me begin by stating that I'm aware it's extremely tedious or virtually impossible to prevent individuals from pirating content. I'm working on a website for a client who is a relatively well known cartoonist. We're working on methods to prevent…
Satej S
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13 answers

Is it possible to prevent unauthorized copying or recording of data by photographing screens?

I am thinking on a way which would prevent unauthorized copying or recording of data by photographing screens. I also think, if the content of a screen is understable for an eye of a living human, it is also photographable by any mobile. Thus, I…
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1 answer

If and why should any personal information be destroyed before putting scrap paper into the recycle container?

Well this question may not be about computers, but it most definitely is about information security, so I'll give it a try... I've been repeatedly told in my life that I should always carefully check each piece of paper for any piece of personal…
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3 answers

How do I prevent users to pose the document by taking pictures using a camera?

I have a problem in data leakage prevention: users can copy the documents on SharePoint by take many pictures (using a camera). Please help me to prevent that user's action.