Are there any security guidelines for development and assessment of (native) iPhone applications?
Viewed 1,250 times
2Please explain your question in more detail. This really isn't the question for development questions. – Ramhound Dec 15 '11 at 13:39
I don't understand the hostility to this question. I think this is a great question. And I think questions about how to develop iPhone apps securely are perfectly on-topic for this site. – D.W. Dec 18 '11 at 23:41
2 Answers
Here are five suggested guidelines for iPhone application development and security considerations. In general you'll find them to be the same as security for any application development.

Wayne In Yak
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- 9
See also Android API/development security pitfalls. Many of the issues mentioned there are applicable to iPhone applications, too: e.g., insufficient protection of data in transit or in storage, insufficiently cautious handling of data from untrusted sources, risks from imperfect isolation of apps.