From time to time there is such question popping-up in this site, "How can trust this company?", because it is what your question is up to: can you trust Mega (or put here any other company name, even a not IT-related one).
As long as it just you and this company, I will call it the provider from now on, then you just cannot trust them. They may tell you truth or bullshit. They may tell you things which are true today, but will become bullshit tomorrow due to an internal management change for instance. Would you even be able to investigate their internal system, what prove that this system is really the one hosting your data, what prove that the procedure shown on shiny powerpoints are actually applied internally, etc.?
So, if it just between you and the company, you have to measure the risks. What could happen in case the service is not as advertised, what is the risk and how can you mitigate or handle it?
In conditions where trust is really a requirement (this concerns mostly corporate than individuals, best example being company which will have to handle medical or financial data), here comes trusted third-party which will certify that the provider comply to specific requirements. These requirement correspond to specific standards depending on the concerned domain, certification companies are specialized and habilitated to inspect and certify other companies.
So, in such case where trust is required, instead of (or in addition of...) using a lot of marketing words, the provider will tell that he has been certified as being compliant with this and this standards. This will give you a good measure concerning the trust relationship you can have with the provider, as long as the mentioned certifications are known to be trustable and really match your needs.