Considering a social website where members upload images which at times can be very similar - is there a way that images can be 'branded' steganographically with (salted+encrypted) text that identifies the owner's username and the date they uploaded it(for example)?
The idea is not to hide or transmit secret messages but simply to attach the information to the image files in some subtle way so that if the image gets uploaded by another member at some point in the future (whether they sourced it by downloading it from another users profile or had come across it on google images for example) it could be identified as belonging to another member.
What would be a good way to go about implementing this considering it would need to be followed on every image uploaded to the server?
- Identify if the image contains any steganographic text previously inserted by the website (if so, decipher it)
- If the image is 'empty' then embed the required information