This subject might just barely be a programming topic. Though, in my point of view, it is of great concern to programmers because of our responsibility to develop secure code.
Recently, there has been a lot of talk about web exploits in my country. Certain organisation keep posting passwords and databases that they hacked in the last few months. In a few days, over 200,000 login credentials have been exposed to public. Most of the site-owners didn't know anything about the attempts, up to this point.
This quote from a pressman really stuck with me:
This is no advanced attack. The method used to obtain the passwords is relatively simple.
I want to know: what are some characteristics of "advanced attacks?"
My thoughs:
Would you say brute-forcing a login service is advanced? Probably not. Kind of low-tech. Was it advanced once upon a time, when you connected auto-dialers and finally got into communication-line-in (phone) at banks and federations? Back then, maybe.
If you brute-force a login service and avoid around built-in blocking systems and logs, your attack might be considered advanced. If you successfully copy an entire database through a unsecured input form, is it advanced or not?
Is it advanced if a person (Bill?) without any IT skills at all got the database from company XY? Why? Because Bill is a HVAC Service Technician and his friend are employed on XY. Probably, it's advanced, but not really technically advanced.
If we talk about a a user that came over the connectionstring through a adminpage webpart -- Tried the connectionstring finding out there are no ip filter - okey that's hardly called hack attempt. But, if the user in first place, got access to file system (leak in a file-browser-control?) and downloaded all web.config / app.config at first place. Is it advanced? The user would, doubtless, find several sites that uses same file-browser-controls. Is it severe? Probably..
A question that, at least I, often ran into questions "are md5-hash enough secure?", the fact "yes if they need to force it, to get your data". If they got the db with login and password, some of you already know: No.
It's more like a comwiki here, than a specific question. I would like to read about perspectives and experience in the topic. What do you do for "more secure"? What do you define as obvous or well-known security flaws? Such questions and discussion are valuable to give more of security and more intrusion-safe system in mind when developing.