When I use end-to-end encryption to secure documents and sensitive information on cloud or on computer, there is always a risk of accessing these information by administrator.
For example if you use Truecrypt to save a secure container in cloud or Boxcryptor or Tresorit to encrypt files in cloud provider (or anythink like that) you have mounted virtual disk when you can access and read/write files.
When you are working on a computer managed by domain policies, administrator is able to mount the virtual disk and see what is inside. Or administrator is able to switch user and see the virtual disk in readable form.
Is there any way how to avoid it? I would like to have completely secure workspace so no one can read my passwords or sensitive information when I use it on computer.
When I use end-to-end encryption and administrator is able to read my sensitive information that are mapped as a virtual disk then it doesn't make sense for me anymore. Do I have any solution for such situation as a user?