I've attended several CTF contests and I'd like to implement a CTF system for my students. I asked Google about designing such system but it's fruitless. Any ideas?

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    Are you refering to Capture the Flag? I assume you mean in relation to social engineering. What do you teach and at what level (elementry, intermediate, high school, university)? – this.josh Oct 04 '11 at 08:30
  • Oh, I'm teaching cyber security at a university. I want to build a CTF system for students to practice simple hacking techniques. – anhldbk Oct 04 '11 at 08:56
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    Do you want a computer system with intentional flaws to allow students to discover and exploit vulnerabilites? – this.josh Oct 04 '11 at 09:06
  • Yep, that's the system I want. :( – anhldbk Oct 05 '11 at 02:02
  • Did you see this question: http://security.stackexchange.com/questions/1735 – this.josh Oct 05 '11 at 07:57
  • possible duplicate of [Servers for penetration testing](http://security.stackexchange.com/questions/1735/servers-for-penetration-testing) – this.josh Oct 05 '11 at 19:33
  • The term CTF is kinda ambigous. See http://security.stackexchange.com/questions/3592/what-hacking-competitions-challenges-exist/3648#3648 – freddyb Dec 01 '11 at 23:42

6 Answers6


As mentioned by this.josh, you can look at multiple already existing vulnerable applications in this question or you might try to find existing CTF source codes - for example, look at the OWASP hackademic challenges. You might just take one of these and modify them slightly for your students. Also, try to contact authors of past CTF's - they might help you by giving their source codes. Here's a handy calendar of various CTF challenges with appropriate links.

Krzysztof Kotowicz
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I once stumbled upon a OS VM machine which is called Metasploitable, it is made by the creators of Metasploit and is used as a target machine for practicing.

It is, and this is a quote from the page:

Ubuntu 8.04 server install on a VMWare 6.5 image. A number of vulnerable packages are >included, including an install of tomcat 5.5 (with weak credentials), distcc, tikiwiki, >twiki, and an older mysql.

If you go through some exploits yourself, you can assign these tasks to your students and give them some guidelines.

Here is the link:


And a link for the metasploit framework


And last but not least, Backtrack 5, if you havnt already introduced your students to this OS and compilation of pentest software:


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Instead of creating a new demo system with intentional vulnerabilities from scratch, take a look first at the existing ones:

Google's Gruyere codelab, "Web Application Exploits and Defenses" http://google-gruyere.appspot.com/

OWASP's WebGoat: https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Category:OWASP_WebGoat_Project

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organizer of previous CTF events here.

First thing, write down a simple score board system, then decide how many and which categories you would like to have on ur event. If you look at this photo https://p.twimg.com/Ad_ncp0CAAE7L_I.jpg:large < its the last CTF I organized at codebits.eu it was an event for 10 teams with 4 elements each.

It had 4 categories:

  • Web apps
  • Forensics
  • Pwnables
  • Trivia

If you want to have a look at some sample CTF challenges I have a list of websites I can provide you with:

-http://balgan.eu/?page_id=67 << (My Website)







Hope its helpeful, feel free to ask more question if u need some help!

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If case anyone still needs an ingame management system for CTF's my research team wrote our own scoreboard which we have now made available to the world at: http://www.ptcoresec.eu/?p=347

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You might take a look at the International Capture The Flag run by folks at UCSB.

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