For clarification, I am looking for the best way to release this program anonymously, not how to remain anonymous and such in general life (that is a different -already answered- question).
I've created a program myself not pirated/cracked and would like to release it to the world but do not want anyone to know I created it...
What is the best way to realistically assume that the author will not be determined?
Do I simply walk around the tube station and drop a usb with it and hope someone picks it up and uploads it to a torrent site (a big stretch). I would also like to limit all potential exposure -physical and digital.
My program is not malware and is something people would use but like I said, I do not want to be tracked at all.
Additional Details From Comments (I delete my comments so there is not so much clutter)
This is a standard compiled program with source code files as well. I've created binaries for linux and compiled a .dmg for mac as well as an .msi for windows (for the non-technical users). I actually do not have an IOS app (or any mobile app).
We can assume that it is ok to know the creator posthumously, thus in ~100 years.
I anticipate this program to become widespread. As such many people will want to determine the origins. I cannot give details about the program or it's functionality.
I am looking for a form of realistic statistical security (seen in cryptology theory; IE mathematically guessing RSA will take X amount of cpu hours). I would think that there are ways to be statistically anonymous (IE having more possibilities of where/who a person is than possible cpu hours)
Assume an adversary with considerable resources. I cannot give details on the anticipated adversary.
The level of protection is simply avoiding 'substantial' evidence. I do not care so much if the identity is suspected (even heavily) based on supposition, but I am look for a way to avoid the vast amounts of hard evidence left behind that could be tied to the author.
I have taken some precautions and I hope to be as ambiguous as possible (without having this question closed). Also, the whole branch of this question is completely isolated in every meaningful way from the program and its author. Likewise, the distro of the program will be isolated from me etc... My goal with this post is to garner feedback and peer review some ideas of my own...
I do not care if someone(s) else take credit for my app, in fact that may be better for its survival (and mine;)
This program does not need to be hosted by myself nor do any of its components. For release, I am looking for a solution like a bit-torrent where it is decentralised.
The initial release will be fire-and-forget. I have made every effort to make my code available and understandable in hopes that many other developers will be able to tweak it should future changes be needed. I have taken so many steps to make this software future compatible but only time will tell. To that note, I may release additional 'patches' but that depends on many factors...