We have a public ftp server that is being probed by the usual Chinese brute-force scans. They are probing vsftpd. Notmally a failed login to vsftpd looks like this in syslog:

Mar 17 15:56:07 cache0001 vsftpd: ftp_set_login_id - unable to esd_decode: root 
Mar 17 15:56:07 cache0001 vsftpd: ftp_authenticate failed - invalid login_id format: root ip: 
Mar 17 15:56:07 cache0001 vsftpd: Mon Mar 17 15:56:07 2014 [pid 13327] [root] FAIL LOGIN: Client ""

These logins look like this:

Mar 17 10:20:47 cache0001 vsftpd: Mon Mar 17 10:20:47 2014 [pid 10095] CONNECT: Client ""
Mar 17 10:20:47 cache0001 vsftpd: ftp_authenticate failed - expired password: 2848358251 DTM20140317045711MjMxMzM1Nzk1 ip: Current: DTM20140317102047 
Mar 17 10:20:47 cache0001 vsftpd: Mon Mar 17 10:20:47 2014 [pid 10095] [NTg3NTEwMTY1PDI4NDgzNTgyNTE+MjUxODUwNjU4] FAIL LOGIN: Client ""

Not sure what's being logged here, there is no "invalid login_id" line, any why "expired password"?

Is this someone trying to use the Metasploit script for the vsftpd vulnerabilities that were out some time ago?

Thanks -w

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