Just came across this bit of ruby that can be used to decrypt Snapchat photos taken out of the cache on a phone, apparently adapted from here. To my surprise, it worked without a problem, considering the problems around Snapchat's security which have been well publicized lately (Mostly the stuff around the whole phone number/username leak as far as I recall).
require 'openssl'
ARGV.each do|a, index|
data = File.open(a, 'r:ASCII-8BIT').read
c = OpenSSL::Cipher.new('AES-128-ECB')
c.key = 'M02cnQ51Ji97vwT4'
o = ''.force_encoding('ASCII-8BIT')
data.bytes.each_slice(16) { |s| o += c.update(s.map(&:chr).join) }
o += c.final
File.open('decyphered_' + a , 'w') { |f| f.write(o) }
So, my question is, what exactly are they doing wrong here, and what could they be doing better in order to improve the security of their application in this regard rather than what they're doing now, considering that people often send intimate things that were never meant to be shared for longer than 10 seconds only to one person, and also considering the popularity of this app?
tldr/for all those who don't really care to know how computers work but still want to know what is up: Basically, let's say you have 40 million people who use Snapchat, with 16.5 million users sending each other pictures, and each picture in its own tiny locked safe every day. Now, what if you gave those 16.5 million people all the same flimsy, plastic key to open each and every one of these lockboxes to capture the Snapchat media?