I work at a large company that requires employees to sign a digital certification saying that we recognize the right of the said company to monitor all data and communication on our work laptops, and that anything we do on the computer should have no expectation of privacy.
What I wonder is, as far as standard enterprise IT security software goes, how omnipotent and omniscient is the IT department likely to be in monitoring user data?
Two specific questions:
I store all my log in passwords (everything in life) on an excel spreadsheet, and password protect this spreadsheet. I understand that my company will have access to a copy of this spreadsheet since it's on my computer. But how likely is it that they can access its contents, perhaps using a keylogger to get the password for the spreadsheet, or screen capturing when I have the spreadsheet open with all the passwords shown?
I use my gmail at work. It's https enabled. Is IT likely able to see all the emails I send and receive, even though it's through https?
Again, I believe our company uses a standard enterprise security tool, so wanted to see if anyone knowledgeable can shed insight on how much of my personal data can be freely accessed by the IT department.
Thank you.