What are the best practices for thwarting DoS attacks for a WebSocket server?
Is there a comprehensive site or document that can be referenced?
What are the best practices for thwarting DoS attacks for a WebSocket server?
Is there a comprehensive site or document that can be referenced?
These days it's near impossible to thwart a traffic based DoS without some kind of hefty physical firewall in the network. However, if you're talking about other forms of DoS then there are a few things you can do to help.
Use asynchronous/non-blocking sockets. A malicious user could open up any number of connections to your sockets consuming all of your available threads. (Slowloris Vulnerability)
Control how many request-per-second a user can submit to ensure they aren't flooding your socket
Ensure the user cannot make the server perform anything too resource intensive
"Yes, WebSocket is the first way to open an unlimited number of connections to a single server, so it indeed likely needs additional protection to prevent DOS attacks. But we don't really have a way to implement this correctly ..." (https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=32246#c4)
since i'm interested in that topic too, but dont have the time to read all the sources, i'll start this as a collection of (hopefully) useful links; comments to each link appreciated
update 1 (esp. Blackhat-Presentation)
Hacking with WebSockets / BlackHat 2012, esp. Sections: Denial of Service - Server / Deploy WebSockets Securely / Secure protocol for WebSockets