Null byte injection in PHP concerns how null bytes are handled in filesystem operations. If an attacker can inject a null byte into a filepath, the underlying C function will disregard anything after the malicious character. This can be used in order to bypass constraints such as the intended file's extension.
The following example is from
$file = $_GET['file']; // "../../etc/passwd\0"
if (file_exists('/home/wwwrun/'.$file.'.php')) {
// file_exists will return true as the file /home/wwwrun/../../etc/passwd exists
include '/home/wwwrun/'.$file.'.php';
// the file /etc/passwd will be included
In this case, the '.php' extension will be ignored during file operations if the user submits a null character at the end of the file parameter. Combined with a directory traversal string, it allows the attacker to "include" arbitrary files that will be disclosed.