So, i want to enter the security field, and i'm leaning towards security auditing, digital forensics, and reverse engineering. i'm in school right now, i'm studying x86 ASM, exploring Linux, and soon to be working on understanding exploit development.
i really don't know much about Linux or networking as it is, and i'm interested in taking some SANS courses (incident handling and exploit development, and taking their entire path all the way through to help speed up the learning process.
so, i have a few questions:
what do i need to know to take these sorts of classes and actually benefit from them? what do i need to know before studying for a CEH exam? how about offensive security certifications? should i start with the Linux+, Networking+, and Security+ certificates, or is there a more efficient way to learn what i need to know?
Edit* Sorry @ Rory. My main question is this: Exactly what do I need to know to be able to begin the SANS path beginning with the SEC504 course?