I have a decent understand and experience with securing and setting up smaller networks, although absolutely no enterprise experience. I understand at such a large scale there are different technologies for managing the sheer number of machines and the complicated topology.
What security technologies are unique to enterprise environments? Firewalls would not count as they are prevalent in non enterprise environments as well.
At a guess I would think there would be heightened monitoring and aggregated logging which could be centralized, perhaps a way to quickly isolate compromised machines from the rest of the network (on the fly vlans?)...what else?
I am not asking about more sophisticated versions of technology, as obviously an enterprise firewall with have more features/functionality than one for a small business.
I have looked at devices like the Cisco MARS and ArcSight...which seem to do centralized log aggregation and reporting prediction....are these the only examples of technologies specific to enterprise environments?
How much additional information would administrators have at their disposal from such unique technologies, compared to what standard logging and reporting tools.