First things first: Using your phone to connect and deploying a honeypot is an imappropriate achitecture to deploy a honeypot.
This sounds like you want to run it it on your primary windows host. If that's true, you should really start from the basics, and consider what you're really wanting to find out. E.g. You want to see how to carry out attacks on alreay vulnerable services, or do you want to know if someone is attacking your services on Windowss 7?
The first case, has a lot of better ways to find out. For the second case, wat does your windows FW let through, if you need it open, but want to make sure no one is throwing an exploit at it, then you can potentially use a honeypot with a hackable service that matches -- but you'd run them either on a different host. Yes you could run a virtual machine, but your primary host is still exposed at the same time.
Additionally, even if your honeypot, which emulating the service you're concerned about on your win7 machine, is hacked it doesn't mean your win 7 one is vulnerable, if you've applied patches.
If you want to see what the hackers are doing great set up another host and connect it.