"Is [x] secure?" or "Is [x] more secure than [y]?" is always a tricky question to answer. In the end, you have to boil each option down to the strengths and weaknesses of its components and then make the decision based on your own needs to balance security and usability.
Here, your method of protecting passwords is best compared to existing tools like KeePass and TrueCrypt. I'd like to give you my comparison of these options in terms of Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability (three core tenets of security) as well as Usability. For our purposes KeePass and TrueCrypt are on roughly equal grounds, so I'll just lump those together. We'll call your method HashPass.
First, a few assumptions must be made in order to perform an objective analysis.
- HashPass does not use any encryption. Otherwise, it may as well just be another layer on top of something like KeePass/TrueCrypt.
- Users are using the same password on multiple systems, but perhaps not all. Whether you personally do this or not will affect the level of security offered by HashPass. However, to answer this question for the general case, one must assume a "normal" end-user and they very often re-use passwords.
- HashPass uses a unique salt for each entry. This is general good practice for hashing passwords, to prevent a single pre-computed table from being able to break the entire database in one swing.
- HashPass is using a tried-and-true hashing implementation based on a strong algorithm. Otherwise, we almost might as well not bother hashing.
- Each password must be individually attacked.
- Weak passwords may be compromised faster. These passwords may be weak due to user choice, or due to restrictions of the systems on which they are used - the latter being beyond the control of HashPass or the user.
- Knowledge of one site's password greatly simplifies attacks on entries for other sites where that password is reused. This may be gained by any number of means, many of which do not require a compromise of the local system.
- The database password can be as long and complex as the user likes - potentially well beyond the limitations of some or all of the systems represented in the database.
- The database may additionally be protected by the use of key files or other authentication mechanisms which go well above and beyond the protection of a simple password.
- The database key(s) cannot be attacked or stolen without first compromising the local system, unless the database is protected by a password that is also in use on a remote system and it is not additionally protected by a key file(s) or other authentication mechanism. (In short, protection of the database key(s) is entirely within the control of the user.)
- Compromise of the database key will result in simultaneous compromise of all passwords in the database.
- I can't think of any, in comparison to KeePass/TrueCrypt.
- Protection of the database's Integrity is entirely dependent upon the host system. Individual passwords may be deleted or overwritten without deleting or modifying the rest of the database and without any foreknowledge of any of its passwords.
- The database's Integrity is protected by the same key which protects its Confidentiality. Without that key, an attacker cannot modify or delete individual keys - they can only delete the entire database.
- I can't think of any, in comparison to HashPass.
- You can forget one or more passwords, but still have the ability to verify other passwords in the database.
- You need to remember every password in the database, to verify every password in the database. If you forget a password, there's no way to get it from the database.
- You only need access to one key (though it may contain multiple components, at your option) to gain access to all passwords in the database.
- You never need to remember any of the passwords in the database.
- If you forget that one password, or lose/forget any of the other key components, you cannot access any of the passwords in the database.
For the Usability section, I'm going to compare a few "forgotten password scenarios" and also throw in "No Password Management" as an option as a baseline.
No Password Management
If you've forgotten which password you used, but can guess it in the first few tries...
- You will brute-force your passwords on the target system until you eventually gain access.
If you've forgotten which password you used, and it takes you numerous attempts to guess the correct one...
- You may trigger an account lockout and/or imposed password reset/recovery. A password reset may not permit reuse of previous passwords. Account lockouts and/or imposed password reset/recovery is becoming more the norm, but many systems still do not implement this. Prohibitions on password reuse is still relatively rare outside of high-security systems, but are becoming more common.
- If the system does not use account lockouts or imposed password reset/recovery, you will eventually gain access.
If you've forgotten the password entirely...
- If not automatically triggered, you will have to initiate a password recovery/reset process.
If you've forgotten which password you used, but can guess it in the first few tries...
- You will brute-force the passwords in HashPass until you guess the correct one, then will have to re-enter the password on the target system.
If you've forgotten which password you used, and it takes you numerous attempts to guess the correct one...
- You will brute-force the passwords in HashPass until you guess the correct one without risk of triggering an account lockout or imposed password reset/recovery.
If you've forgotten the password entirely...
- You will need to initiate a password recovery/reset process and update the database entry.
If you've forgotten which password you used or forgotten the password entirely...
- You will authenticate to the KeePass or TrueCrypt database and immediately have access to the correct password.
- KeePass can even be configured to enter the password for you automatically.
If you've forgotten which password you used or forgotten the password entirely, and you cannot access the KeePass/TrueCrypt database (forgot KeePass/TrueCrypt password, or forgot/lost key files or other KeePass/TrueCrypt authenticators)...
- You will need to initiate a password recovery/reset process and rebuild the entire password database.
In terms of usability, I believe KeePass/TrueCrypt clearly wins outright while HashPass is only a little bit better than no password management at all. In my personal experience, I've rarely - if ever - triggered an account lockout or imposed password reset/recovery by brute-forcing my own account. Usually I'll give up on brute-forcing it (which I'd still need to do with HashPass) before I hit a threshold anyway. It's also much easier to keep the one password (and/or other authenticators) in mind than it is to remember all the passwords in the database - which you effectively still need to do with HashPass.
For overall security, in "CIA" terms, both password management mechanisms have some areas where they have good strengths, as well as some pretty bad weaknesses.
How does everything balance out? I personally would prefer KeePass/TrueCrypt for its great usability benefits, the fact that its key strength is not dependent upon outside restrictions, and the fact that its key is not inherently obtainable from outside systems. Of course, the end decision is up to you.