I’m basically trying to get some stats from my war drive kismet database using giskismet but I’m finding it difficult to get specific data.
Things I'm trying to do:
Count how many wireless BSSID’s there are in total
How many are WEP/WAP, using to calculate what present are WEP/WPA
Get the make of the wireless eg netgear and count how many are WEP/WPA
Is this possible to do with giskismet? iv tried “select BSSID from wireless” –o test.xml but I get errors. The same happens if I try anything other than “select*from wireless”. But this outputs everything to one massive xml file which is incredibly hard for me to search through as I don’t know much xml.
Does anyone have any ideas how I could get data from the wireless.dbl, it’s in sqllite I think if that helps.