I am using Oauth1 to connect to NetSuite Restlet API for multiple customers. To do so I make use of these values to authenticate and sign the request

  • API URL (unique per customer)
  • Realm (unique per customer)
  • ConsumerToken (64 char hexadecimal string)
  • ConsumerSecret (64 char hexadecimal string)
  • AccessToken (64 char hexadecimal string, unique per customer)
  • TokenSecret (64 char hexadecimal string, unique per customer)

ConsumerToken and ConsumerSecret is tied to my Application and is the same not matter which customer.

Question: Is ConsumerToken and ConsumerSecret considered a secret? To what length do I need to secure those values given that they are not useful without also knowing AccessToken and TokenSecret.

Additional Info: ConsumerToken and ConsumerSecret is stored unencrypted in the codebase. The Application is always deployed in an environment hosted by my company.The appplication is a background service with no user interface.

  • 119
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