Similar to Is it wise to remove redundant self-signatures from my PGP key? - I noticed that after a couple of years, and multiple key manipulation (I use keyoxide.org so my UIDs have multiple notations attesting different Internet identities) - I have a lot of self-signatures. Cleaning with --edit-key and clean as suggested in the answer to that question works fine.

However: my encryption subkey still has two signatures, corresponding to the time the key was first created and the time I extended the expiration:

❯ gpg --list-sigs 8B229D2F7CCC04F2
pub   ed25519 2020-07-04 [SC] [expires: 2024-05-14]
uid           [ultimate] Michel Alexandre Salim <michel@michel-slm.name>
<redacted as irrelevant>
sub   cv25519 2020-07-04 [E] [expires: 2024-05-14]
sig          8B229D2F7CCC04F2 2020-07-04  Michel Alexandre Salim <michel@michel-slm.name>
sig          8B229D2F7CCC04F2 2022-05-15  Michel Alexandre Salim <michel@michel-slm.name>

Is there any way I can clean this up too?

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