Am I right in stating that SCrypt as an algorithm is useful where many passwords are stored in a database, but not against one specific encryption key derived from one password of one user?
For example, let there be a password, a salt, and parameters for the SCrypt algortithm.
Let key = SCrypt(password, salt, params)
The salt is supposed to be stored with the hash/key itself. If an attacker has a table containing the password, can't he/she brute-force the password given the salt? That defeats most of the purpose of a KDF, as the only goal achieved is an addition of a few seconds in the brute-force process.
Sure, the addition of a few seconds will increase the time needed if many passwords need to be tried, but if the password is an easy password like "ilovesteak", which will not take many tries to guess, instead of seconds to brute-force, it will take hours. But the time taken is still feasible, especially if the data is extremely confidential.
How can I derive an encryption key from a password which makes it mathematically difficult to brute-force derive?