I was answering a question about how YubiKey can generate "infinite" keypairs for Fido U2F but doesn't need to store them locally.
This leads to my initial question:
Initial Question
Can I register with a FIDO U2F service more than once, with the same physical key?
Which I tentatively answer here:
No? Gave github a try with the same key twice, and breakpointed the exception:
DOMException: The user attempted to register an authenticator
that contains one of the credentials already registered with the relying party.
Main Question
Can a modified webauthn browser api allow same key to be registered multiple times? By ignoring the existing RegistedKey list? The server has no way of differentiating?
According to
It seems the server will ask the client/yubikey to check a list of existing registered keys, and expect the client to answer truthfully whether it is registered already or not (or some generic error / no response). I theorize that it is possible, for a SecurityKey implementing the WrappedKey method to reregister by generating a new keypair with the same master key and the server will accept it.