I am curious about the Integrity metric in CVSS 3.1.

Low is:

"Modification of data is possible, but the attacker does not have control over the consequence of a modification, or the amount of modification is limited. The data modification does not have a direct, serious impact on the impacted component."

High is:

"There is a total loss of integrity, or a complete loss of protection. For example, the attacker is able to modify any/all files protected by the impacted component. Alternatively, only some files can be modified, but malicious modification would present a direct, serious consequence to the impacted component."

With that description, I assumed that the Integrity of parameter tampering is Low because we only can modify some data on a given parameter. But many security vendors give High value Integrity on parameter tampering.

Help me to understand parameter tampering given High Integrity. Or, can I get some examples of vulnerabilities that have Low Integrity?

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  • "we only can modify some data on a given parameter" -- what's an example of parameter tampering where you only have access to some of a given parameter? – schroeder Sep 25 '21 at 08:01
  • lets say it is price price tampering that we can modify price value when check out – Problem Child Sep 25 '21 at 08:30
  • Then that field is fully tamperable, right? You can't tamper with only part of the parameter, as you state, – schroeder Sep 25 '21 at 09:38

1 Answers1


This is an impact score. What matters is what the attacker can do by exploiting the vulnerability. It mostly doesn't matter by what “amount” the attacker can change the parameter: you need to look at the possible consequences of this change.

For example, if the attacker can flip the HasAdminPrivileges from 0 to 1, this is a high-impact integrity vulnerability, even though it's only a 1-bit change.

Modifying the price value at checkout would be another example of high impact. If a customer can get products for free by setting the price to 0, that's a major loss of income for the business, so it's a high impact.

As an example of a low-impact vulnerability, suppose a vendor offers customers a discount on their birthday: 10% off all purchases for 24 hours. The birthday discount uses the customer's address to determine the timezone and the customer can change their address at any time. A customer who rotates their timezone from eastern Kiribati to London to inhabited US Pacific territories could benefit from the discount for 50 hours. This is a breach of the integrity of the birthday parameter, since it ends up covering a time period that is not what was intended. The business can lose intended income, but the impact is very minor since it's only a small discount applied for slightly longer than intended. It's probably a vulnerability that the business would not want to fix since this fix is likely to impact customers who are moving and do need to change their address.

Gilles 'SO- stop being evil'
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