I have an old Windows domain SMB sniffer file circa 1998 and just out of interest I want to see if I can crack it now with John The Ripper. I believe the file was generated using the L0phtCrack SMB Packet Capture feature. The format of the file is a list of entries such as:


The format appears to be: DOMAIN\username:3:SMB challenge:encrypted LANMAN hash:encrypted NTLM hash

Not sure what that first 3 is but it is the same for all entries. This probably uses some defunct Windows NT authentication method with the 8 byte challenge and 24 byte responses.

I cannot open the file as is naively with John. So I would like to know if I can either specify some options or reformat the file so that I can open it in John The Ripper.

  • Hashcat doesn't think it's a valid hash... `Hashfile 'crackme.txt' on line 1 (CADE\i...1c65d2cf9c9d4d5084bb8f8416a94adb): Token length exception No hashes loaded.` – gowenfawr Jun 18 '21 at 14:39

1 Answers1



Clean up your data to just have: username:LM:NTLM

that works on my end with john, probably will work with hashcat as well.

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