There are tons of exploits being created using the PDF file format for most PDF viewers out there every year. PDF files have lots of power and can utilize things such as JavaScript. This is really good but comes with the cost that there is a lot of attack surface. The company "owning" PDF is also very restrictive about how we, the people, can use it (e.g. creating our own PDF viewer isn't going to make Adobe happy).
Is there a file format that can match the PDF file format's capabilities of formatting documents but is more secure?
By more secure I mean: what I am looking for is a document file format that has <2% number of exploits published each year than PDF (e.g. top 3 PDF viewers combined), a smaller code base, no JavaScript functionality because JavaScript is inherently insecure (look at why and how it was made and you'll see very quickly JS is insecure). A good post about why PDF is inherently insecure: What are the security risks associated with PDF files?
I want people to post options so there is at least one place on the internet where PDF file format competitors are set against the PDF file format.