I've just read about the detecting and blocking of Tor traffic by DPI but now I'm curious about analyzing the data you send over Tor and matching it with your true identity by deep-inspecting the data packets that leave your PC/router. (If that means anything)
I don't know much about the technical details of DPI, (which will become pretty obvious with the following questions) but I've heard from a few people with some technical background that it gives its utilizer immense surveillance power. When I asked them about the relationship between DPI and Tor, and the implications of DPI on Tor, they said that they don't know much about Tor to give satisfactory answers to my questions.
So I'm posting my questions here in hopes that someone with sufficient knowledge on both concepts will answer them.
Are governments/ISPs able to do it? (The paranoid government in my country [Turkey] pretty much rules ISPs so ISP=government in this case. The government demands all personal information of internet users from ISPs, it doesn't let anyone launch an ISP company otherwise.)
Do they need advanced network infrastructure to achieve it or is it a painless procedure? What type of an infrastructure do they need? Is it possible to tell if they're able to do it by, say, looking at the technological or economical development of a country? One person told me that they probably would need supercomputers to analyze every user's traffic.
Does deep packet inspection come with "degrees" or is it more like an "all-or-nothing" concept? That is, a government is able to use this surveillance method but not that surveillance method because they don't have the technology, etc.
If a government is known to utilize DPI, does that mean Tor is completely useless in that country?
What actions could be taken to prevent a government from deep-inspecting one's packets?
I'm open to further reading/resources if no one's willing to write. Thanks in advance.