I’m considering developing a simple WiFi scanner and logging App that can run as a service 24 hours a day for months, passively collecting changes in the surrounding wireless environment with the following features:
- Log changes to BSSIDs, ESSIDs, signal strength, number of clients, etc.
- Displaying everything on a simple dashboard;
- Notifications of new access points setup in the surrounding area;
- Notifications of new WiFi clients per station;
- Notifications of SSID changes (WiFi name changes);
- Notifications of de-authentication attacks;
- Possibly capture handshakes (though that’s not a primary objective);
- Run on a low cost platform such as a Raspberry Pi with a simple
apt-get install
to get it started.
I’m well aware that other “war driving” type solutions such as Kismet Logging but the focus here would be collecting data from a specific fixed point and getting notifications of interesting changes in real time as apposed to stumbling upon them later through an API from Wiggle for example.
I don’t want to invest too much time recreating a solution that already exists. Is there something that already does all of this, or a combination of tools I’d be better off combining with a script? E.g. Kismet & Kibana in a Docker image possibly?