I have the below openssl code to decode json content. It works fine if the encoded data is


but it does not work if the encoded data is


It's not decoding the last 2 right curly braces. Can somebody help me to understand why this is happening?

Note: the encoded string is the payload generated in jwt.io.

  1. eyJ0ZXN0MSI6eyJ2YWwyIjotOTEuNiwidmFsMyI6NDAuMTIzNH19 is encoded from

    { "test1": { "val2": -91.6, "val3": 40.1234 } }

decoded data with the below code:

(gdb) p *(decoded._M_impl._M_start)@decoded.size()

$12 = "{\"test1\":{\"val2\":-91.6,\"val3\":40.1234}}\000\000"
  1. eyJ0ZXN0MSI6eyJsYXRpdHVkZSI6LTkxLjYsInZhbDMiOjQwfX0 is encoded from

    { "test1": { "latitude": -91.6, "val3": 40 } }

decoded data with below code:

(gdb) p *(decoded._M_impl._M_start)@decoded.size()

$5 = "{\"test1\":{\"latitude\":-91.6,\"val3\":40\000\000"

The last 2 braces go missing only for this encoded data whereas the first one is decoded properly.

vector<unsigned char> Base64Decode(const char* encoded)
unique_ptr<BIO,BIOFreeAll> b64(BIO_new(BIO_f_base64()));
BIO_set_flags(b64.get(), BIO_FLAGS_BASE64_NO_NL);
BIO* source = BIO_new_mem_buf((void*)encoded, -1); // read-only source
BIO_push(b64.get(), source);
const int maxlen = (strlen(encoded) / 4 * 3 + 1)+2;
vector<unsigned char> decoded(maxlen);
const int len = BIO_read(b64.get(), decoded.data(), maxlen);
return decoded;
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1 Answers1


The reason is that base64-encoded strings should be a multiple of 4 characters in length. If the base-64 string is not a multiple of 4 characters in length, then pad it using the '=' characters.

The following command runs successfully (as you stated in your question):

echo -n 'eyJ0ZXN0MSI6eyJ2YWwyIjotOTEuNiwidmFsMyI6NDAuMTIzNH19' | base64 -d

The following command throws an error (as you also stated in your question):

echo -n 'eyJ0ZXN0MSI6eyJsYXRpdHVkZSI6LTkxLjYsInZhbDMiOjQwfX0' | base64 -d
{"test1":{"latitude":-91.6,"val3":40}}base64: invalid input

The reason for the error is that the base-64 encoded string above is 51 characters in length. To solve the problem, pad the base-64 encoded string with an '=' character, so that it's 52 characters in length (52 is a multiple of 4):

echo -n 'eyJ0ZXN0MSI6eyJsYXRpdHVkZSI6LTkxLjYsInZhbDMiOjQwfX0=' | base64 -d
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  • Plus, though it doesn't affect the case posted, OpenSSL and (some? most?) older standalones use the original PEM/MIME alphabet with + / while JWT/JWS/JWE uses a different 'URL-safe' alphabet with - _; see rfc4648. – dave_thompson_085 Aug 04 '20 at 01:30