I know that subscribers can be tracked using IMSI. I also know IMSI follows a pattern of MCC+MNC+MSIN where MCC and MNC parts remain static for a certain PLMN. What changes is the MSIN part. As such, by guessing a random MSIN and using the fixed PLMN, part a random IMSI can be guessed.

If an attacker guesses a random IMSI and accidentally matches my IMSI, what harm might he be able to do to me? What method might the attacker use to track my phone calls and SMS using just my IMSI?

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    Does this answer your question? [What is the risk of leaking IMEI / IMSI numbers over a network](https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/49343/what-is-the-risk-of-leaking-imei-imsi-numbers-over-a-network) – Arpit Rohela Jun 19 '20 at 12:29
  • @schroeder actually this is my first question here. I have edited my question as per your suggestion. Hope this is ok now – Das-G Jun 19 '20 at 13:20
  • Ok, but this doesn't change the question. Attacker has an IMSI, however it was obtained, what can be done with it? That's covered in the other question. ***How*** the IMSI was obtained does not change the scenario. – schroeder Jun 19 '20 at 13:28
  • Are you assuming that the IMSI can be tracked across the network? – schroeder Jun 19 '20 at 13:29

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