I got the WPA handshake, now it's turn to crack the password using Hashcat. First, I wanted to make a wordlist of passwords [A-Z] the length of 8, but Crunch (the tool in Kali Linux) said it will take 1TB of storage that I don't have available, so I gave up that way. Is there any way to generate passwords (example: ABCDEFGH) and delete them after its use one by one, during the cracking process?

How long does it take to crack the password with i5-3320M CPU using Hashcat? Is there any other way you recommend?

1 Answers1


Is there any way to generate passwords (example: ABCDEFGH) and delete them after its use one by one, during the cracking process?

Try a mask attack where you've defined the mask as 8 digits of uppercase:

hashcat -m 0 -a 3 hashfile ?u?u?u?u?u?u?u?u

(replace -m 0 with whatever mode you're cracking)

There's an excellent tutorial on mask attacks here.

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