I've used OpenSSL cms to sign the data and generate a detached signature. As per my requirements, I need to timestamp the signature as well, so that if the certificate expired, verification of signature can be done. The generated timestamp is also in a detached format. I've also generated the CRL after revoking the certificate.

NOTE: For testing purpose, I’ve created my own CA authority using OpenSSL

For signing data:

openssl cms -sign -binary -in test_data.tgz -md sha256 -signer my-cert.pem -inkey my-cert.key -out test_data.cms -outform DER

For timestamping signature: (Used freetsa.org as a TSA authority)

openssl ts -query -data test_data.cms -no_nonce -sha256 -cert -out test_data.tsq
curl -H "Content-Type: application/timestamp-query" --data-binary '@test_data.tsq' https://freetsa.org/tsr > test_data.tsr

Now for the verification part as per my understanding from RFC3161 (https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3161#page-20) following procedure can be used to verify the authenticity of the digital signature.

  1. Verify timestamp token:

openssl ts -verify -in test_date.tsr -queryfile date_tsr.tsq -CAfile cacert.pem -untrusted tsa.crt

openssl ts -verify -data test_data.cms -in test_data.tsr -CAfile cacert.pem -untrusted tsa.crt

  1. Fetch the timestamp:

openssl ts -reply -in test_date.tsr -text

  > Time stamp: Apr 24 13:09:25 2020 GMT (Example)
  1. Convert timestamp to Unix epoch time:

date -d “Apr 24 13:09:25 2020 GMT” +%s > 1587733765

  1. Verify the signature againt timestamp and the certificates via openssl cms

openssl cms -verify -binary -verify -in test_data.cms -content test_data -CAfile ca-chain.cer -inform DER -out /tmp/tmp.data -attime 1587733765

Everything works until crl (Certificate revocation list) comes into the picture. What I know is that If the certificate (my-cert.pem in this case) has been revoked and if the “Invalidity Date” is after the timestamp data, the signature should still be valid. But with OpenSSL cms -verify it is not working as expected or it is not supported.

  1. Revoke certificate:

openssl ca -config openssl.conf -revoke my-cert.pem -crl_reason key -crl_reason keyCompromise -crl_compromise 20200422140925Z

Compromise date is after the timestamp date.

  1. Verify the signature with crl and timestamp

openssl cms -verify -binary -verify -in test_data.cms -content test_data -CAfile ca-chain.cer -inform DER -out /tmp/tmp.data -attime 1587733765 -crl_check

output: CRL is not yet valid

I think OpenSSL is comparing the “Last Update” date of CRL instead of “Invalidity date” with the date mentioned in -attime argument, i.e. 1587733765 dues to which it shows “CRL is not yet valid”.

  1. Removing “-attime”

openssl cms -verify -binary -verify -in test_data.cms -content test_data -CAfile ca-chain.cer -inform DER -out /tmp/tmp.data -crl_check

Output: Certificate revoked

So how do I verify the signature with CRL and timestamp in OpenSSL cms? The only way I see is to fetch the “Invalidity Date” manually from CRL and compare it with the timestamp and act accordingly.

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