Adding the email on the key generation does not increase the security at all, because the email is a public information. Even if isn't really public, it's possible to guess most emails, find them on other sites, on leaked credential dumps, and so on.
What increases a key security is entropy. And emails have little entropy. And if the email is part of a leaked dump, it adds zero entropy. So if the user email leaked from an attack on another provider or service, even This_Email-Is.So+Long=And#Random!Nobody%Will/
adds no security.
If possible, don't let the user have any input on the key generation. Taking user input makes keys insecure, the same way users choosing passwords will (most of the time) result in insecure passwords.
That's why programs with high security requirements (like crypto wallets) ask users to random type things and move the mouse around: they are collecting randomness. They don't trust the user to add its own information, and don't trust even the random number generator from the OS.