I have an unidentified PSK encryption in airodump's output (see red square on screenshot) and I would like to get more information about the encryption method used by the network: do you know any tool that would give me more information about the encryption type?

Note: I'm not trying here to break the encryption method, I just want to get more information about it.

My question is more about the fact that it does not mention "WPA[2]": why? Why is the ENC field empty?

Airodump output

  • 123,438
  • 55
  • 284
  • 319
John Kravicz
  • 142
  • 7
  • It literally tells you what encryption method is used under "cipher". Google CCMP. –  Nov 15 '19 at 10:31
  • Sorry, my question was maybe not clear : I meant why I don't have a "WPA" mention on it ? Why this one is so special that I don't have information on it ? – John Kravicz Nov 15 '19 at 10:33
  • If no ENC is shown, it means it hasn't gather enough data. as in the documentations says: "(Not enough data to choose between WEP and WPA2)" so... it knows it has CCMP which means it **might** be WPA2 as it generally is. and TKIP for WPA. (WPA3 it's not that widespread yet, so as of today we can assume it is not) – Azteca Nov 16 '19 at 00:06
  • Even if I let airodump running in background for a while, or if I deauth client, it does not "update" the ENC column : do you know if there is a way to precisely identify if it is WPA or WPA2 ? – John Kravicz Nov 16 '19 at 18:08
  • @JohnKravicz yes, save the captured packets to a file, and see if Wireshark or another tool can report more information. – multithr3at3d Nov 17 '19 at 20:57

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