I was wondering if there was a calculator or formula I could use to find a rough estimation of the time it takes to crack hashes based on GPU. I am trying to assess how much performance I would lose/gain based on different build cases. Specifically, x3-4 RTX 2080's vs. x3-4 RTX 2060's.
I've found a few threads or websites about it but they seem more concerned with the actual algorithm and password length/complexity than anything to do with GPU performance (clock speed). Or they say just to run it in hashcat and find out but obviously that's impractical if I'm trying to assess which build case to go with for business justification purposes.
I'll be using Hashcat and really don't care about any variables other than the clock speed, so ideally we could make password length, complexity, space, hash type, attack type, etc. constants just so I can have a speed differential to compare GPU models/amounts.