
Assuming you are authorized to pentest a live website that's login page is vulnerable to SQL Injection.

Lets say your backpack has only 2 crafted queries by you which is admin' -- and '=' 'OR'.

Your past experience on a test site where its back-end SQL code is as simple as belows

select * from users where username = '$username' and password = '$pass';

Yes! This 2 admin' -- and '=' 'OR' cheat-sheet in your backpack works for bypassing for the above SQL statement.

Okay! Now! Here comes the real live website for you to pentest. But only this '=' 'OR' cheat-sheet in your backpack works instead of this admin' --

So best guess is this live website you are authorized to pentest on is having a different back-end SQL code implementation than the one I stated above and only is able to be bypassed by 1 crafted cheat-sheet in your backpack which is '=' 'OR' and not admin' --

My question now is how do you picture this back-end SQL query code? Assuming you do not have access to the back-end code at all!

How do you make a report out of this? Saying this cheat-sheet '=' 'OR' works but what about the back-end code that is vulnerable to it? Since you do not know how the back-end code is implemented that is vulnerable and you can't come up with a migitation or prevention approach report for it?

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    We investigate. Pen-testing is not about script-kidding by cheat sheets. It's all about intelligent investigation. – Your Common Sense Jun 03 '19 at 15:42
  • How much do you know of about the SQ language? Start there. – DarkMatter Jun 03 '19 at 15:43
  • Hmm looks like you guys are not answering my question. To prevent a long comment here. Please kindly skip to the last part for a summary instead. – Cash- Jun 03 '19 at 15:44
  • I am trying to scope/clarify the question – DarkMatter Jun 03 '19 at 15:48
  • @DarkMatter alright please do note I have fundamental SQL knowledge and know how SQLI works. I am just asking a different question , I tried my best to put it simple and used a little bit of analogy in it hopefully you guys understand me. – Cash- Jun 03 '19 at 16:05
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    Looks like for some reason you are asking the [same question](https://security.stackexchange.com/users/207341/cash) over and over again – Your Common Sense Jun 04 '19 at 09:41
  • You are using some strange terms that are causing some confusion. `'='` is not a "cheatsheet"; it's an injection. A cheatsheet is just a collection of tips and tricks, which can include injections. What is "backpack"? What you appear to be asking is how to reverse engineer the backend SQL code or to make a guess as to what the SQL code might be. Then you seem to ask about a "report". Why do you need to know or guess what the code actually is for a report? What you are asking for is very confusing. – schroeder Jun 04 '19 at 13:32
  • *"My question now is how do you picture this back-end SQL query code? Assuming you do not have access to the back-end code at all!"* By making educated guesses or by making assumptions how the code might look like and knowing the programming language in and out which you try to attack.. see [this (post of mine)](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54809948/mariadb-sql-injection/54810875#54810875) for a example as i didnt know how the Hack The Box code looked like but still got it right. – Raymond Nijland Jun 17 '19 at 13:47

1 Answers1


I believe the following contrived back end would satisfy your requirement:

SELECT * FROM Customers Where '$uid'='SuperUser'

Which becomes

SELECT * FROM Customers Where ''=''OR''='SuperUser'

As for preventing this sort of thing the answer is true for all SQLI. Sanitize and validate all user inputs.

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    JFYI, "Sanitize and validate all user inputs" is not clear, and even being [the source of many injections](https://phpdelusions.net/top#escaping_user_input). All terms here are unclear and ambiguous. What is "sanitize"? Will escaping HTML entities be enough? How does "validate" actually help? Is a [static HTML form element](https://stackoverflow.com/q/22534183/285587) a user input? A [data from your own database](https://stackoverflow.com/a/134138/285587), already validated? – Your Common Sense Jun 04 '19 at 07:37
  • @YourCommonSense True but the "how to prevent injection" question has been asked and answered time and time again...It is a simple search away. My answer is obviously focused on the specific question present here. – DarkMatter Jun 04 '19 at 13:48