Wikipedia describes credential stuffing as
a type of cyberattack where stolen account credentials typically consisting of lists of usernames and/or email addresses and the corresponding passwords (often from a data breach) are used to gain unauthorized access to user accounts through large-scale automated login. Credential Stuffing attacks are made possible because many users will reuse the same password across many sites
Interestingly there doesn't appear to be Wikipedia article on password spraying. Double Octopus describes it as
Password spraying is an attack that that attempts to access a large number of accounts (usernames) with a few commonly used passwords. Password spraying is an attack that that attempts to access a large number of accounts (usernames) with a few commonly used passwords.
It seems that password spraying and credential stuffing are similar in the objectives and approach. It isn't clear as to the discrete difference between the terms. Are there any and if yes, what would these be?