Question Background
This morning, by accident I have found, that there is basically a backdoor in a dormant state in my Dell laptop: Computrace, which comes from Absolute Software - link to their Web, link to Wikipedia.
Actual Question
Since I read some UEFI/BIOS setting can't be changed once set already, I wonder if such practice is also the case in Intel SGX technology (SGX Intel, SGX Wikipedia), which I probably would like to disable too since I've seen from this Linux shell script that SGX is Enabled in my system configuration and then proved by looking into UEFI/BIOS, where it's currently set to Software Controlled, I would like to ask if having SGX enabled or software-controlled is a bad practice, or worse - Could Intel SGX be dangerous under Linux?
Personal Background
I'm a security amateur at home. I'm primarily interested in VPN topics, and I don't even know what SGX really does yet.