BASE is an improvement over ACID, but it's easy to tell that it's maintained by someone who doesn't use it. There's no at-a-glance overview of network activity like you get with McAfee's NUBA IDS and many others, and searching for patterns is awkward and slow compared to log aggregators like Splunk.
I'm aware of a few alternatives to BASE:
Sguil gives a somewhat nicer view of events, but it's showing its age, and the tcl/tk interface is awkward to use on a remote set of snort sensors from a Windows desktop.
OSSIM provides some pretty charts, but it wants to be your top-level SIEM in a single package, and I need something more modular, configurable, and network-focused than that.
Snorby looks intriguing, but it's the one out of the bunch that I haven't even tried installing and using yet; the demo site hasn't worked for me from my work desktop; only at home.