I'm studying the Aaron Adams assembly code. You can find the documentation here (section --[ 2.b.i Getting EIP).

I understand that the goal is to get the EIP.

I know that the FPU environment looks like below:

struct _fpstate_32 {
/* Legacy FPU environment: */
__u32                cw;
__u32                sw;
__u32                tag;
__u32                ipoff;
__u32                cssel;
__u32                dataoff;
__u32                datasel;

And ipoff contains the EIP.

So the fnstenv [esp-12] puts cw,sw,tag and ipoff on the stack and then I can get the EIP on ECX with pop ecx.

But I don't understand the purpose of fldz.

fldz "Push +0.0 onto the FPU register stack". It means we have a second stack on the FPU? And why do we need to do this?

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1 Answers1


From what I understand, the value of EIP that you've mentionned (ipoff) is actually the value taken from the Last instruction pointer register.

Therefore, when calling fnstenv [esp-12], the value that will be pushed on the stack will be a pointer to the fldz instruction, since its the last floating point instruction to be executed before calling fnstenv.

Without it, the value returned by fnstenv could be anything.

Reference : https://home.deec.uc.pt/~jlobo/tc/artofasm/ch14/ch143.htm

The instruction and data pointer registers contain certain state information about the last floating point instruction executed.

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