proudly advertise that the company can't access your data but they do provide an optional email-based password reset.
Most cloud storage providers differ from Sync because they can access, scan and read your files. Sync's end-to-end encrypted storage platform and apps ensure that only you can access your data in the cloud. We can’t read your files and no one else can either.
When activating or using the password reset function they state that their system has temporary access to your encryption keys. What does temporary mean here and how does it work?
This feature does not expose your password to Sync, however it does give Sync’s automated systems temporary access to your encryption keys when the feature is enabled or used. We cannot enable or disable the feature on your behalf.
Does this mean that while having this function activated they could actually access my data? I don't see how it could work any other way but I find it a bit dishonest then to have zero-knowledge as their main selling point while still recommending people to use this "feature".