I recently installed Sysmon, which logs events to OSSEC and currently monitors several endpoints. I have been trying to whitelist benign processes such as Windows services. Many of these processes run with commandline arguments e.g. svchost.exe -k netsvcs -p -s NetSetupSvc
. However, an explanation of these commandline arguments is not available for many of these Windows processes when using /? in the command prompt e.g. svchost.exe /?
Is there documentation online that explains the commandline arguments of these Windows processes? It would also be useful if there is documentation indicating the parent process that spawns a specific Windows process.
The reason I am requesting this information is so that I can whitelist a Windows process using its process name, commandline arguments and parent process. I do not want to whitelist a process by only using its process name as this would not detect malware which uses the same name.