I have been working in a big company for the past 4 months. I have two machines that i work on, my personal laptop and my desktop workstation (company property). Occasionally, as all my colleagues do, I visit some safe sites for personal reasons. Such cases include news sites, blogs, tutorial sites etc. This practice is not strictly forbidden but surely there will be some filtering monitoring for preventing an employee visiting dangerous or offensive sites.
I have also used my laptop to upload personal files to Google Drive such as pictures or documents. Since my browser connects to Google Drive via HTTPS is it possible for my network admins to view any of these uploaded files? In general when a browser connects over HTTPS to a location and pushes (POSTS) data packages that consist a media file, is it possible to "recreate" that file from these packages?
The difference between this question and Can my employer see what I do on the internet when I am connected to the company network? is that i specifically ask about UPLOADING data (the given file) instead of surfing-downloading data (http code-files etc)