I always got proxies from proxylist websites but I never asked me how these sites discover new proxy. So how?

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2 Answers2


Usually, these sites have admins or people that work for the site. I know a person that works for these kind of sites and he said he uses a proxy scraper like ProxyFire and other ones.

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Looking over ProxyFire it seems like a good option. Although, I prefer using protocols rather than programs. So, looking through the features of ProxyFire, it performs some port scanning which Nmap can supply. Socks proxy servers scanning with Nmap.

Above I described how to discover SOCKS proxy servers by port scanning. Another, option would be looking through forums where users dump lists of SOCKS proxies. See, My-Proxy Forum.

Alternatively, the websites may host the proxies themselves. Either by servers volunteered to them, physical servers owned by them, or using data centre VPSs.

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