What Happened:
- At 8:40am Telegram sends me a login code via the Telegram desktop app.
- At 8:44am Telegram informs me that someone has logged into my account via ip address #1 (appears to be PIA vpn)
- I immediately go and revoke access and begin the process of setting
up 2fa with a password. - At 8:45am Telegram sends me a login code via the Telegram desktop app.
- At 8:46am Telegram sends me a login code via the Telegram desktop app. Somewhere around this time I disable wifi on my phone and notice that my phone is not connecting to the mobile internet.
- At 8:48am Telegram informs me that someone has logged into my account via ip address #1
- At 8:48am Telegram informs me that someone has logged into my account via ip address #2
I revoke access to both.
I finish setting up 2fa.
I restart my phone, my mobile internet is back and I get 2 smses informing me that my MMS and WAP Service Settings have arrived. These settings appear legitimate.
Other Important Info:
- My phone company says no one has contacted them / no settings were altered on their end. They haven't been much help otherwise.
- My sms log on the phone company's website show two smses received from Telegram that I never saw and never arrived at my phone. I know this is Telegram's number because I went through the process of logging into Telegram's web interface.
- No strange apps have sms access permissions on the phone.
- Anti-virus apps show nothing.
- Galaxy S8+, up to date, not rooted
- No other attacks, no other accounts appears to have been compromised.
- Have any attacks like this been reported before? (can't find any)
- What else can I do to try to figure out what happened?
I realize that it's also likely that my phone is owned or that there is a telegram exploit. Any other information would be helpful.