The athletic department at my university has a facebook page and on it they said "the first 500 people to register for this event will get free t-shirts". When registering one has to create an account with a password, so that all programs they register for (now and in the future) will be billed to it. Since everyone is in such a rush I'm sure there's tons of weak passwords. Is this a viable target for an attacker? What could be done differently? Promoting to "register quickly!" is a real bad idea I realized.

Rory Alsop
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    The simple work around is single-sign-on, which should be easy since all the users have facebook. No idea what they need the password for in the first place. – CodesInChaos Aug 21 '12 at 07:03

2 Answers2


There are two strong options:

  1. Strong password requirements. This negates the problem, by forcing the user to use a strong password. It will, however, reduce conversion rates if people get frustrated.
  2. Single sign-on. This involves using a 3rd party service (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Google, OpenID, etc.) as a login service, meaning you don't actually need to create a new account.

Since the competition is being ran from Facebook, I think a single sign-on is the best choice.

However, please make sure that you're requesting the absolute minimum number of privileges necessary from the user's account. Whenever I use an app that wants to use my Twitter or Facebook account, and it says "Can post Tweets for you" or "Can see your liked pages" when all I want to do is post a comment, I don't bother. It's an unnecessary intrusion.

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Rely on Facebook for authentication. (I.e. use single sign-on exclusively.)

Weak passwords aren't your major concern, actually. People can always change their password later. (They won't, of course, but so what? Who'd bother to use a strong password for an athletic department, even if it's for more than a free T-shift?)

The real problem is that people will reuse an existing password. The application was probably thrown together in a hurry, and looks poised to be used more and more over time. How much do you bet it's never going to leak passwords? I wouldn't bet my T-shirt on it. The less you store passwords the better.

(Expanding on CodesInChaos's advice (and to some extent Polynomial's), because they haven't given the real reason to use SSO.)

Gilles 'SO- stop being evil'
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